Thursday, April 1, 2010


Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha:

(Dasan kudanthaiamudhan)

Facts about Moon in astronomy-
Moon is the only natural Satellite of the Earth. Moon does not produce light of its own but simply reflect the light from the Sun presenting the same size disc which can be witnessed only on total eclipse. Moon spins in its own axis at a speed synchronizing with the period of 29.5 days in its one full orbital rotation around the earth so as to face the earth with same illuminated side always. As a satellite to earth, moon naturally rotate along together with earth around the sun in one year.During the above period,Moon enters in to a cycle of phases of Waxing (growing) and waning (declining) relatively to the Sun , thereby changing every day the portion of moon light reflected off its surface to cause Full moon (pournami) and New moon ( amavasya) in two fortnights (pakshams) of a month. Above period of 29.5 days between two successive New moon is called as Lunar Synodic period while Moon taking 27.3 days in its orbital rotation around the earth with respect to 27 stars as followed in Vedic astrology is called as Sidereal period. New Moon occurs when both Sun and moon are on same side of sky. Both rise and set together. On this day moon cannot be seen because it is much closer to the sun. On Full moon day, moon is opposite to the sun in sky. Hence full moon rises when sun is set and vice versa. Full moon is the only day when moon is over the mid sky in the midnight. Moon has no atmosphere and is vacuum. Very recent space research finding shows that Moon has widespread of water in deep surface filled with solid ice in its many craters. Waxing moon grows from right to left and appears as right hand curve while waning moon decreases from right to left and appears as left hand curve. Lunar Eclipse occurs on Full moon while solar Eclipse occurs on new moon day.

Ocean tides are created by moon because of its mutual attraction of gravitational forces by earth and sun. Moon tries to pull anything on earth to bring it closer. since earth consist of 70% ocean, sea water is easily pulled up high as tides which has low and high depending upon the phases of moon. High tides occuring during the new moon and full moon period will reduce the speed and movement of ships, boats and fishing .Also during this period, moon makes an impact in the mind, mental balance and blood flow of living beings as human body consists of 65% water. Due to the above reasons, Phases of moon also decide the delivery period of child since baby floats in the water inside the womb of mother during the advanced pregnancy period.

Chandran and his karagathvams-
Chandran means in Sanskrit ‘shinning’ or ‘Bright’ is also known as Soman, sudhakaran, Vidula, Niranjan, Sasikaran, Indu, Chandrika,Himakaran, Ambuli, Kumudhapriyan, Dwijaraja, Nisakaran, Madukhanta, Rohinipathi,Rajanipathi, Kalanidhi ect. Chandran is also called as ‘Mathi” and “Thingal” in tamizh. Chandran color and cloth is white.His adi-devatha is Sriman Narayan as Thiruparkadal Nathar.His Prathiyuga devathas are Sri Mahalakshmi, Sri Saraswathi and Sri Varuni (wife of Varunan,rain god) as goddess of ocean,rivers and nector respectively.Trees are Kadamba tree, Sandal wood.His flowers are white water lily, jasmine,white rose,Sangu Pushpam.His metal is Tin and silver metal.Chandran appears in sky driven by 10 white horses.His animals are Fish, Frogs, Snails, Crabs, Turtles,Leech, seal, coral, clams, Otter, Rabbit, Kangkaru, Antilope, donkeys ect. His birds are crane, seagull, White peacock, swan, goose ect. Chandran element is water and gemstones are white pearl and moon stone. Numerically he represent no 2.His day is Monday.He is Vaishya by caste.His direction is Northwest.His Language is Manipravalam. His taste is Salty and grain is Rice. Chandran although masculine in nature is the symbol of womanhood representing feminine energy. Hence he signifies fertility, birth, pregnancy, stomach, Breast, Ovaries, Uterus ect. Chandrans 28 days cycle taps in the menstrual cycle and its waxing and waning phases can be seen to change the mood of emotion, birth and pregnancy ect. Chandran is the karagha for mother. Hence he is known for love, care, and affection to denote nursing, Baby sitting,Social work, Caring for others ect. Chandran denotes fluids in body, glands, breast milk, bladder, intestine, Saliva, belly, taste, Pancreas, digestive system, Blood flow ect. Chandran signify the products like – salt, rice, conch, curd, butter, fish, camphor, white sandal, pearls, flowers,grains, groceries, robes, beads, arrow, umbrella, fan, sugarcane, egg,essential oils, ornaments, sandalwood paste, Milky rubber trees ect Chandran denotes the professions like – boating, navigation, ships, laundry, liquar, sea food, bakery, dairy products, hoteliers, millers, coachmen, ,catering, confectionery, guesthouse, restaurants, boathouses, fishermen, Nurses/midwives, waterbearers, letter carriers, tapsters, brewers, ect. Chandran has its influence in travelling, pilgrims to Sacred rivers, breeding, night world, fountains, brooks, sea tides, highways, comforts, ponds, port town, springs, pools, well ect.Chandran signify all vegitables mainly watermelon, mushrooms, pumpkins, cabbage, gourd, ect. Chandran as a karagha for Mind, denotes feelings, emotion, dreams, night sleep, happiness, hopes, imagination ect. A weak moon in a horoscope will contribute disease in left side, left eye,bladder, fluids in belly, cold, cough, asthma, measles, menstruation and mental problems,fickle mind ect. If Sun is for Car festival (ther), Chandran denotes floating festival of Temple. Chandran also Signify Queen, relatives, moist, Soft stones, youth appearance, dressing sense, love for jewellery and apparels, soft/ matured nature, eye brows,Curly hair,Peacock tail (Chandrak), round face, charming look, poetry, literacy works, monsoon, clouds, tears, fermentation process, Medicinal herbs,circle,changes and fluctuations. Chandran being the karagha for Mother, he represent Cow who is called mother of all living beings (gomatha) by giving milk to all.Chandran has influence in running guest house, Motels, Giving Shelters, Public relations, Healing touch ect. Sun denotes Brain where mind energy is centered in the Pineal gland area from which vital Hormones are secreted. Moon beams enters this gland in night to control our mental activities. Moon carry Amrita (nectar of soma ) to feed devas and pitrus while radiating kiranas to all living beings and plants in earth.Chandran also act as a blood purifier through his radiant rays.Chandran is the carrier of dew to flowers and helps in fermentation through its rays for fruits,vegitables and herbs to mature and give taste.Milk soured overnight turn to tasty curd due to the cool rays of moon. Unfavourable Moon indicates people of drunkard, emotional upset and personality disorders ect while benefic moon is found in the charts of doctors, psychologists, good mothers and caring wife. During the high tides period of new and full moon phases,weak minded people will have mystical experience, psychic powers, intuition, imaginary power,Esp and also cause disappearance in sea/ darkness.Let us see now as to how Thirumaliurmcholai and Lord Kallazhagar is connected with Chandran.

1) Thirumaliurmcholai is called with many names but the prominent one is “ Vrushadadhri”. Vrushabha means in Sanskrit as “Dharma” as well as “Bull”. Yama in the form of Dharma did penance in this hill to whom Lord Vishnu gave dharshan..Also this hill is viewed like a ‘Vrushabha’ (bull) majestically standing tall in the middle among sorrounding smaller hills which are appeared like Cows.Hence this hill is called as Vrushabha giri and lord who stays here is called as Vrushabhadri Nathar.Vrushabha is the Sign in the sky/ Zodiac where Chandran is exalted.Also his favourite wife Rohini is placed in this sign being the birth star of Lord Krishna. Rohini is said to be the Daughter of Surabhi,the celestial cow.In Bhagwat gita Lord Krishna said “I am the Surabhi among cows’.Hence Vrushabha Rassi (Vrishabham in tamil and Rishabham in Hindi ) is denoted by the sign of Bull and Cow as both are essential for our livelihood since cow gives us milk while bull contribute to the farming for food.Therefore Lord Krishna as govindan was seen to hold Stick in his hand to look after cows, while Balarama was holding a plow meant to be used with bulls for ploughing farms.Bull is the emblem of Dharma while Cow is the representative of mother Bhumi.Hence Azhagarmalai becouse of being called as ‘Vrushabahdri’ symbolically denotes Vrushabha Rassi in zodiac where chandran gets exalted (ucchem) and attains vargottama in his favourite Rohini star in this sign.Namazhwar pasuram signify this as
“நலமென நினைமின் நகரழுந்தாதே, நிலமுனமிடந்தான்
நீடுறைகோயில் மலமறு மதிசேர் மாலிருஞ்சோலை,
வலமுறை பெய்மதிருவுதல் வலமே”
- 2ஆம் பத்து, 10 ஆம் திருவாய்மொழி

2) Yama Dharma Raja who came on a pilgrimage in disguise as a brahmin to the Bhumi was attracted by the beauty and panaramic view of Thirumaliurmcholai. So he had choosen this hill as a divine place to perform penance for praying to Lord Vishnu. Emperuman who appeared before him ordained Yama to build a temple nearby to Noopura ganga stream at the foot hill of vrushbahdri. Yama who had felt serenity in this hill due to the blazing moon over the sky in the night spreading its cool white rays beautifully over this hill desired to built a Vimana for the Lord, similar to the shinning beauty and shape of Moon. Accordingly he called Vishwakarma, the celestial architect and made him built a beautiful Vimana and temple to Lord Soundrarajar.Further Lord granted boon to Yama as desired by him to perform pooja everyday to his Archameni here. It is believed that Dharma rajan is visiting this temple every night to perform pooja to Sri soundraraja permual.Therefore this Vimanam is named after Chandran as ‘Soma chanda Vimanam’ by Yama as it reflect the shinning beauty and shape of Chandran.The Shadow of this Vimana will not fall outside but only in the Vimana itself similar to moons illuminated side is facing the earth always inspite of moons spinning,rotating and revolving.Azhwar depicts the crawling moon in the midst of hills of Thirumaliurmcholai as
“சதிரள மடவார் தாழ்ச்சியை மதியாது, அதிர்குரல் சங்கத்து அழகர்தம் கோயில், மதிதவழ்குடுமி மாலிருஞ்சோலை, பதியது ஏத்தியெழுவது பயனே !
- 2ஆம் பத்து, 10 ஆம் திருவாய்மொழி

3) Main murthi among four utsavar deities of Azhagarkoil is ‘Sundararajar’ known in tamizh as‘Azhagar’.The other prominent Utsavar is ‘Sundrabhau’ who is mentioned in Tamizh as ‘Sundra thooludiyan’ invariably pointing to Lord Rama as described in many literary compositions and azhwar pasurams about the beauty of his broad Shoulders as warrier. Similarly Lord Krishna was addressed as ‘Bhuvana sundara’ by Sri Rukmani fascinated by his beauty. Sri Andal described this Lord in her Nachchiyar Thirumozhi-11.2 as ‘Kuzhal azhagar,Vaayazhagar,Koppozhil ezhul, Kamala Poovazhagar ‘.Hence the names of above utsavars of this temple refers to Lord Rama and Krishna.Both avatars are connected to Chandran as Lord Rama was born in moon sign of Kataka Rassi which is said to be resting in Thiruparkadal from where chandran emerged. Similarly Lord Krishna took avatar in Rohini star of Vrishbha Rassi in which Chandran is exalted making ‘Vrishbhadri ‘ hill as his abode. Chandran face is known for his beauty which is described by sri Andal in her first and last pasurams of Thiruppavi.Thus the name of this Lord is connected closely to Chandran in terms of beauty in the form of his avatars.Thirumangaiazhawar pasuram signify the arrival of moon everynight spreading its cool rays in this hill.

மாமதி தீண்ட நீண்ட, மாலிருஞ்சோலை
மணாளர்வந்து என் நெஞ்சுள்ளும் கண்ணுள்ளும்
நின்றுநீங்கார், நீர்மலையார் கொல்! “ நினைக்கமாடேன் -
பெரிய மொழி 8ஆவது பாசுரம், 9ஆம் பத்து.

4) Krishna Puthra also known as ‘Karuppana swami” is worshipped at the main gopura entrance doors of the temple by the clan of Kallars as ‘Kaval Deivam’ to the Lord who in his Krishna avatar as a child had engaged in telling lies and stealing from others.But Lord as Kallazhagar in his archameni here had ordained Karuppana swami to be the custodian for his jewels to prevent theft and to ensure punishment is given to the one who tell lies before this demi god.Whenever Lord soundrarajar goes out of temple and also upon his return ,a Pramanam for number of ornaments adorned, would be undertaken by priests before Karuppana swami to ensure the Safe custody of Jewels.The interesting legend of this demi god goes back to many centuries ago when a malayala king wanted to steal the divine idol of Lord soundrarajar and take to his kingdom due to its divine beauty and its high purity rare “Aparanji gold’.Since he had no match to fight with the army of pandian king,then ruler of alagapuri, the place of azhagar koil, he sent totally 18 panikars trained in magical powers with a similar idol accompanied by an invisible spirit ‘Karrupu’ to this temple.Their covert plan was to draw the beauty(kalai) from the idol of Lord soundrarajar by magical dilution (agarshanam) and transfer to the idol they brought in by starting the task after pournami till next paksha trithya, which falls as 18th tithi in a Lunar masa, the day of first appearance of waxing cresent moon (3rd day after amvasaya) without any break for the transfer to be effected everyday through each magician for all 18 tithis by 18 panikars before fleeing to their kingdom with their Idol beautified and fortified with Kalais drawn from the idol of Sri kallazhagar.

However Temple priests who knew before the movement of these unwelcome visitors to the koil, with the help of Kshetra balakar buried them all dead below and made 18 steps on top of it at the entrance.By this time the ‘Karrupu’ surrendered to them pleading for mercy to permit it serve the Lord as his ‘kaval deivam’ at the entrance in return of giving it arthajama naivathiyam daily after Lord partaking this.The closed doors of main Gopuram at the entrance of this temple over the 18 steps are considered to be the manifestation of Karrupanna swami with no idol inside between both closed front and back doors.It is believed to be all powerful to protect the treasuries of this Koil and jewels of Lord Kallazahgar.Hence these 18 steps are called as ‘pathinettam padi karuppu’.This Krishna putra is worshipped mainly by kallars.

The Highlight of this legend is about the number 18,the tithies choosen connoting to Moon,the karagha for mind.Numerical number 18 has influence on mind to ‘settle’ permanently.Hence it denotes 18 puranas,18 upanishads, 18 parvathas of Mahabharatha and 18 Chapters of Bhagwat gita which stay firm for ever in the mind of people.It denotes resting with the end of Kurushetra war on 18th day, 18 akshunis (divisions) of army participated in this war.Lord Krishna, kauravas and pandavas are the lineage of Chandra Kulam.18th peruku (pathinettam peruku) falls in adi month known as Chandra Kataka masa due to Sun transiting in kataka rassi.This is the period of festival for women coinciding with fertility,sowing of seeds,arrival of monsoon,spate of swelling of waterline like rivers,lakh ect.These are the karagathvam of Chandran. Also 18 denotes 18 dharma shastras one has to follow.At 18th age,one attains maturity in mind to take independent decision and legally eligible to act.Thirukoshtiyur Nambi mind was finally moved to give ‘Thirumandiram” only on the 18th attempt of Bhagavath Sri Ramanujar who later on in another occasion debated for 17 days with an advaita Sanyasi Yajna murthi and defeated him on 18th day.Sri Ramanuja Sampradhayam is standing tall on two branches (sects) with 18 differences.There are 18 Rahasya granthas composed by Sri Pillai Lokacharya on Sri Ramanuja philosophy.In Kaisika Purana, only upon pronouncing the 18th promise by Nampaduvan,Brahma Rakshasa mind was finally conceded to let chandalan go, Jarasandha attempted to invade Madura 17 times and fought war with Lord Krishna.This made Krishna to shift his base immediately to Dwaraka along with Yadhvas not to take a chance on war ending at 18th attempt planned by Jarasandha,for obvious reason to kill him later through Bhima.Mohmd Ghajini,a Muhgal invader attacked 17 times but succeeded on his 18th attempt to loot the famous ‘Somanath” temple supposed to have been built up by Chandran.There are 18 steps to reach Paramapatham. There are 18 Siddha Kriya yogas given by 18 Siddhas, some of them attained jiva mukthi at azhagar hills. Also number 18 is associated with 18th tithi Trithya of a lunar month,the first sighting of waxing Moon paksha on the 3rd day after new moon (moontram pirai). Trithya tithi is important because of Akshya Trithya which occurs in Chitra month,valar pirai, when both sun and moon are exalted in Mesha and Rishaba sign respectively.It is believed Whatever work undertaken on this day is expected to take a shape, settle down and grow further.only 18 carat gold is used for all diamonds studded ornaments due to its sturdy and strong hold.Total numerical value in each horizontal row and vertical column of Moon yantra is 18. This shows that Chandran settle down on the numerical value of 18 signified as above.While we see above the influence of Chandran on number 18,we have seen in our Oct 09 issue about Thirukudanthai as Bhaskara Kshetram,the influence of Suriyan on no 7.Interestingly Rahu and ketu which tries to capture both moon and Sun in eclipses have taken their dasa periods in astrology as 18 years for Rahu and 7 years for ketu,the influential numbers of both moon and sun respectively.

Therefore the Malayala king planned to start the covert operation after full moon in Thei pirai as it concide to suit for magical dilution (theimanam) and end up on 18th tithis of Trithya, the first sighting of valarpirai, the third day cresent moon considered to be an auspicious day for taking possession/purchase of any gold ornaments and to set out successfully with the beautified golden idol.This is the day when ganga water descended to the earth from Sathyaloga.Sri Lakshmi is worshipped on this day for prosperity.Hence Moon has its strong influence in the legend of Pathinettam padi (18th steps) Karrupanna swami by way of tithies and 18 magicians choosen for this task.It is said that Sri Andal also admired and wondered about the power of this demi god. More or less, a Similar attempt was made on the idol of periya perumal at Srirangam koil by a Srirangapattina kannada desa Raja during earlier period in a slightly different method but was thwarted by Sri kura Narayana jeer.


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