Srimathe Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha:
By Dasan Kudanthai Amudhan
14) On the day of Akshaya Trithi, Thirukudanthai witness 12 Garuda sevas of Sri Sarangapani and Sri Chakrapani along with the idols of Emperuman from other Koils nearby. Aakshya Trithi falls on 3rd day from New Moon during Suklapaksha in Chitrai Masam. On this Day both Sun and Moon will be in their exalted ( ucchem) Rasis namely Mesham and Rishabam respectively. This day is important becouse in Mahabharatha it is said that Suriyan Blessed Draupathi with Akshaya Patra to ensure abundance of food during Pandavas exile in forest.Also it is believed that Sri Krishna blessed his friend Sri Kuchela with Prosperity on this Day.
15) Chitrai Ther (chariot) festival is Celebrated during the month of Chitrai when Sun is in its exalted Mesha Rasi with Moon transiting in the Star of Chitrai,the Avatara Star of Chakrathazhwar.On this day Sri Sarangapani with his consorts are Seated in Chitrai Ther as processional deities and the chariot is taken out on the main streets.This is very Important festival as Ther is the Vahana of Suriyan. .
16) On Adi 18th day (Pathinettam Peruku) Sri Sarangapani or his Paduka is taken out on Procession to Kaveri River for a ritual connected to this water festival.This is to Show Lords gesture to the Sacred river ‘Kaveri’ the Outpour of Water from Kamandalam of Sage Agastya who gave us Tamizh Pazhai (Language) a top Status by reason of its Origination from this great Sage. Agastya helped Suriyan Transverse through Vindhya Mountain by Stopping its growth in height by Pressing his Toe. Besides this, Ramayana mentions that Sage Agastya initiated Lord Rama in to the prayer of Suriyan by reciting “Aditya Hridaya Mantra’ before his fight with Ravana. Sage Agastya was blessed by Suriyan with Sandals(Padukas) and Umberlla. Hence this Water festival is important to this Emperuman who brought back the disappeared” tamizh Vedam “through Sri Natha Muni and hence his gesture to the river Kaveri and agastya who gave us the Tamil Language.
17) This is the Avatara Sthalam of Sri Lakshmi as ‘ Sri Komalavalli’. Her Sannidhi is facing eastern Direction towards the Sunrise as Thayar is in the Pedestal of Lotus flower which Opens its petals upon the Sight of Suriyan who is also said to be holding Lotus in both hands.Thayar here took Penance at Pootramarai Kulam and made Emperuman Come over here to marry her.The Flower of Suriyan is Lotus which is the seat of Thayar here.
18) Suriyan denotes Civilisation,Culture, heritage and ethnical fabric of Society spread all over the World.Hence its temples,its ruins, and monuments dedicated to Sun God function as Cultural Ambassador duly blended with annual festivals of dances reflecting their Culture to give an attraction as tourist places.Konarak Sun Temple in Orissa is famous for its Yearly Dance Festivals. Modhera Sun Temple in Gujarat is known for its famous Dance Festivals, besides in Gaya which witness Yearly dance festivals are dedicated to Suriyan. The Same Spirit of dances and festivals according to their respective Culture and Customs are Celebrated in Sun Temples all over the World.,Sri Sarangapani temple is Closely linked with Cultural part of Suriyan Karagathvam. This Temples first tier of Gopuram has Sculptures depicting the Bharata Natiya Karanas of all 108 nos Carved with names of respective Karnam inscribed in Tamil Grantha Script under each figure.This reminds us here of Sri Nathamuni who set the Raga,Bhava,Taalam and Abhinayam in dance form for divine Thiruvaimozhi owe his credit to the above Sculptures of Karnams Carved in this Temple. Thirumangaiazhwar mentioned affectionately in his Periyathirumozhi Pasurams this lord as ‘குடந்தைத் தலைக் கோவினைக் குடமடிய கூத்தனை’ and as ‘குயிலாலும் வளர்பொழில்சூழ் தண்குடந்தைக் குடமாடி’ besides Sri Andal also rendered Pasuram in her Nachiyaar Thirumozhi to call this Emperuman as குடந்தைக் கிடந்த குடமாடி . This shows the Significance of Sculptures of above Karanas carved in the Gopuram,
19)Maha Kumba Melas are celebrated in Sacred towns alongside the holy rivers in north for every 12 years whenever Sun Transit to Kumbha Raasi in line with Jupiter positioned in Simha Raasi on mutual aspects which normally occures once in every 12 years.Similarly Maha Magam, the only Kumba Mela of South india is Celebrated every 12 years at Kumbakonam,the Sacred town when Sun transit to Kumbha Raasi with Jupiter and Moon are together in Simha Raasi at Maham Star with Mutual aspects.This is very important festival when large people would take bath in holy tanks of Maha Magam Kulam and Pootramarai kulam Where all the Seven holy rivers are Converged together to have Divine Darshan of Lord Aravamudhan and Komalavalli Thaiyar.This shows the Suriyan connection to Kumba Mela here known as Maha magam particularly in this Kshetram.
20) RAIN-BOW:Rain is Caused by the clouds formed out of evaporation of Water by Sun Light from River,Tank,Lake ec.During the rainy days all raindrops Refract and Reflect Sun Light at low altitude angle (Konam) in the same Way to fan out in to its Spectral Seven Colors like a Bow (Vil) called RAINBOW’..Periazhwar in his Pasuram of Thirupallandu Mentioned as ‘சார்ங்கமென்னும் வில்லாண்டான்’
COPPER is the Metal of Suriyan.Significantly to this,Copper and Brass Metal Industries are Concentrated in and around Kumbakonam to manufacture Pure Copper and brass (Copper is 70% Alloyed) wares of exquisite designed Oil lamp,Intricately Carved Panchalogha idols in large Scale.Kumbakonam is the Main Supplier of Kumbams and temple Statues made out of Pure Copper and Brass besides being famous for its ‘Kuthuvillaku’ exported to many Places. Similarly Weaving of Silk Sarees with Zari works designed in the Pattern of ‘Kuthuvillaku’ and ‘Akalvillaku’ are famous in Kumbakonam. Being the Kshetram of Suriyan,Kumbakonam is the centre to produce products which are Symbolically identified with the Source of Light.
BETAL LEAVES-Devaloga Taambulam–“Vetrilai’ Which Namazhwar rendered in his Thiruvaimozhi Pasuram as ‘Unnum Soorum,Parukum Neer,Thinnum Vetrilai Ellam Kannane’ is Known Popularly as ‘ Kumbakonam Vetrilai’ for its typical Characteristic compared to Other Varieties of ‘Vetrilai’ grown elsewhere.Here it is Unusually Small Shaped Size like Heart,Spicy hot taste,pungent Smell.This typical taste/odour is denoted by Suriyan Karagam. Its dark green Color is attributed to the High Absorption of Sun Light by dense Chloroplasts in the leaves for the Process of Photosynthesis, which requires more Sun light and water, as naturally intensity of Sun light is more at this Bhaskarakshtrem. Betal Leaves of this town are taken to cure diseases arised out of Suriyans Karagathvam like Headach,Constipation and Indigestion ect and also this act as Stimulant,anti flatulent, Astringent, as Blood Purifier, as anti inflammatory ect.
Suriyan Worship is mentioned in Vedas Particularly in Rig Veda.Legend says MAYURA who lived in the court of Harshavardhana (1st millennium CE) Composed the Surya Satakam in Praise of Suriyan and is believed to have been Cured of blindness. There are Seven Temples of importance dedicated to Suriyan- Dakshina Arka Temple in Gaya, Suryanaar Koil in Tamil Nadu, Arasavilli in Andhra , Grand Konark in Orissa, Modhera in Gujarat, Surya Pahar in Assam, Unao in Madhya Pradesh. An Ancient Sun Temple dating back to the first Century AD is found in Martanda near Srinagar in Kashmir. Chahash festival dedicated to the Sun God at Gaya is Popular in Bihar and supposed to have been started by Mahabharatha great Warrior Karna, who ruled then as King of Aung Pradesh(present Bhagalpur) to glorify Suriyan,his mythological father.
SUN signify Temple Gopuram which are almost Pyramidal Shaped Structure with domes in architecture housing god/godess inside the Sanctum of our Koils. In rest of the countries, Sun temple is housed on top to the Stepped pyramids mainly in South/Central America and in clear Surfaced Pyramids in Countries like Egypt. Pyra means Fire or Light and Mids mean Middle or Center in Greek Language.Fire or light from center in this case would be from the top most corner as Pyramid is the structure with sloping sides that meets on Top.Pyramid Harness Cosmic energy that Preserves it in its bosom to contribute for Healing process. PRISM is similar to the Shape of Pyramid generally used in Geometry to break the Sun Light in to its Spectral Seven Colors (Rainbow) and to refract the course of light from its path.We can understand from above the importance of Pyramidal Stuctured Gopurams of our Temples. Sun Worship is Universal and Known for its Cult that existed in ancient Egypt,Persia,Greece,Rome and also in South,Central America mainly in Mexico,Peru,Bolivia and its Neighbouring countries. In Egypt they call Sun God as ‘RA’ or ‘RE’ ,In Persia as Mithra’, as ‘INTI ‘in Peru and “TONATIUH”in Mexico ect.Given Below are the details of Sun temples of Importance in above Countries in the Structure of Pyramids-
El Castillo Pyramid at Chichen, MEXICO

1)KARNAK Temple in LUXOR,EGYPT is dedicated to Sun God ‘RA’with 13 levels on the Pyramid.NIUSERRE Sun Temple has many features of Pyramid complex dedicated to Sun God ‘RA’ built by the kings of dynasty of Sun God. Sun God ‘RA’is portrayed with the head of an Eagle.
2)Sun Temples of ABU GHURAB,USERKAF Pyramids and Great Pyramid of Giza Sun temple was dedicated to the Clan of Kings of Sun Dynasty RAMSES IN EGYPT.ABU SIMBEL in ancient Egypt dates back to the period of King Ramses 11.
3)CORICANCHA SUN Temple of INCA Empire is dedicated to INTI, the SUN GOD and MACHU PICCHU Sun temple in a Sacred Plaza of Pyramidal Tower is a credit to INCAS ingenuity of PERUVIAN Empires.Incas came from the Mountain of Peru and took over the Andes Mountains in South America.
4) TITKAKA,the sacred lake in sun island where legend has Inca empire was born.INTI RAYMI,the Festival of Sun at CUZCO,the Temple of Sun in Pyramidal Tower in Mountain of BOLIVIA at SAQSAYWAMAN.This Festival is the testimony to Incas ancient Civilization, originated from PILCOCAINA sun temple.
5) Ancient city of TEOTIHUCAN in MEXICO has third largest pyramid in the world dedicated to Sun God and painted with Red color to glow under Sun.Famous Sun Temple in Mexico ‘CHICHEN ITZA’known for ancient MAYA Civilisation in Mexico and Sun shrine ELCASTILLO is the Pyramid dates back to 4th Century.Most of the Sun Temples in Mexico have Separate Shrines for Eagle God.
6) VISCOCIA Hill in BOSNIA,EUROPE is a Bosnian Pyramid of Sun in a Temple built by Pre-llyrian People 30,000 Years ago in a hill hidden with a Stepped Pyramid. Germans Worship Sun God as ‘SOL’.Romans called Sun God as ‘MITRA’.Greek called as ‘HELIOS’,the name” Helium” the gas present in Sun is derived from this Word.
Interestingly ,Two leading democratic countries U S A and INDIA which are known for peace loving and for strong Valour, have their National Emblems Portraying Sun god in different forms. India has Lotus as National flower,Peacock as National Bird,National Emblem is Three Lions in a Lotus Pedestal. U S A has Bald Eagle as its National Bird.The Most astonishing is its National Emblem called as ‘’ THE GREAT SEAL OF USA” .The front side of the Seal has a BALD EAGLE with its Wings.It holds a Bundle of 13 Arrows in its left and a Olive Branch in its Right Talon, Symbolizing the desire for Peace and its readiness for War.Over its head ,a glory of 13 stars above the Eagle arranged forming a Six pointer Stars of Shutkona. In Reverse side of Seal, a Pyramid unfinished in the Zenith,an Eye in a triangle Surrounded by a Glory. This Pyramid is shown consisting of 13 Layers of Blocks while on Top of this Pyramid has Eye of Providence ( RA- Sun god of Egypt) With Radiance in Golden Yellow colour like Sun in a blue Sky.This Great Seal is also printed in One Dollar Bill (currency) of America inscribed with year 1789 (total 7).Both One and Seven are of Importance to Sun. Eagle,Olive Branch,Eye,Radiance,Pyramid in Great Seal of USA shows the Sun dominance in World Power.Eagle reminds us here Ramayanas Jadayu and Sampathi,Sons of Arunan,half brother and charioteer of Sun.
Sun is the Pithru karaghan signifying Kings,ancesstors, Governmental Monuments ect. This goes well with the logic of Pyramids as these were built by kings for their ancesstors and forefathers as Monuments. Thirumangai Azhwars Prabandham Thiruvezhukurrirukai reminds us here the Connection of Suriyan in Shaping the RATHA BHANDAM’ with 13 slotted Upright and inverted Pyramids formed in Seven Decks each to give a Ratham in Chitram form on the Wall of Temple which is the Replica of Chitrai Ther said to have been presented by this king turned azhwar to Lord Sarangapani, the father of Universe.
TRIKONAM is the expansion of dots in three directions as three lines in Plane is making a Triangle. Pyramid/Prism which have a Polygonal Base with Triangular faces that meet at a Common Point on Top Pointing Upward Signify Agni Tattva as fire is always Oriented Upwards.Hence Suriya Vahana ‘Ther’ (Chariot) is the replica of above on top portion Signifying “Agni Tattva” and its inverted bottom Portion Signifying “Shakthi” both Meeting the base at the Centre where Sri Sarangapani is Seated with his Consorts.
SHUTKONAM denotes Upward Pointing and downward Pointing Triangles Overlapping each Other forming Stars with Six Points. Here Down Ward Pointing Triangle Signify the element of Water which tends to flow down.Lord Sudharshana Sits in Shutkonam Intersected in a Circle representing both Agni-Tattva and Shaki Tattva.
KUMBAKONAM –Trikonam is Synonymous with Kudanthai in many Contexts-
1) Kudanthai has Tri-kona Kshetrams connected with Suriyan as- ‘Dandakarunya Kshetram, Bhaskara Kshetram and Dakshina Ayodiya Kshetram which are called here as Sri Sarangapani Koil,Sri Chakrapani Koil and Sri Ramaswamy Koil respectively .
2) Amudhan was glorified by the Presence and Worship of three Yogis- a) Sri Natha Muni b) Thirumazhisai Piran c) Thirukudanthai Desikan
3) Titles of honour Were invested to Lord Amudhan who also Credited Titles to above Yogis-
a) Lord Amudhan Swapped his thirunamam “Piran” with Thirumazhisai Azhwar against the receipt of ’Azhwar” Hence he is Called as ‘Aravamudha Azhwar’
a) Lord Aravamudha Azhwan due to his role of being an initiater to Sri Natha Muni for bringing out the disappeared Tamizh Vedam got the Title- ‘Dravida Vedha Darshakar’.
b) Lord Amudhan had given Thirunamam to Sri Gopalariya Mahadesikan as ‘Thirukudanthai Desikan’ and also accorded him through Archamukam the Title ‘Munithraya Sampradhaya Pravarthakar’.
The biggest Sun Temple KONARAK is derived from words – Konam +Arka- meaning ‘Konam ‘ as Corner and ‘Arka’ as Suriyan which in other word is called as ‘Suriyan in Corner’.But in the case of Kumbam+Konam, ‘Kumbam’ is always Placed on TOP CORNER (Mael Konam) of ‘RATHA VAHANA” as this Kshetram itself is known by this Name due to its holding of Ratham Shaped Sanctum, Chittrai Ther (Ratham) and Ratha Bhandham in Lord Sarangapani Koil Where one could Find Poorna/ Kumbam on Top of all these three Rathas here.
Sri Sarangapani Koil has Unique Connection with Srirangam and Tirumala due to its manifested Vimanam from Srirangam and also due to the Shelter given to Lord Srinivasar from Tirumala in its Koil. Our Srirangam Srimath Andavan Ashramam is credited with the connection of all these Three Kshetrams –Srirangam-Thirukudanthai-Tirumala. Srirangam was its Origin through its first achariyar Vazhuthur swami later known as ‘Vazhuthur Andavan’,The title of ‘Srimath Andavan’ was believed to have been accorded to him by Lord Sri Ranganathar himself at srirangam whose Divya Mani Padukas are the Prathana Worship at ashramam. secondly Thirukudanthai was the seat of Munithreya Sambradhayam through its founder Sri Goplalarya Mahadesikan later known as ‘Thirukudanthai Desikan’the thirunamam adorned by Lord Amudhan. Thirdly Ashramams Aradhana murthi is Lord Venugopalan who is none but Lord Srinivasar of Tirumala,the divine Amsam of Krishna worshipped in Kudanthai as ‘Pathala Srinivasar’.Hence our Ashramam houses Sannidhis for Lord Srinivasar in in its branches.
Therefore Thirukudanthai Kshetram attracted many Kainkariyams in the past from our Poorvachariyars who had special place in their heart for Amudhan Sannidhi.Prakritha Achariyar H.H Srimushnam Srimath Andavan whose Determination,Will Power,Inspiration and Motivation,the typical Gunas identified with Suriyan has made it Possible for him to ensure that ‘Chittrai Ther’ is back on Wheels in ‘Therottam’ at Kudanthai after a gap of 22 years.Interstingly Sun Temples all over the World like Konarak,Modhera are either in Ruins or reduced to the spots of Archaeological Sites including Ayodiya, the birth place of Lord Rama,the Sun Dynasty..
CONCLUSION- Lord Aravamudhan under the Vaidhika Vimanam set an example to us by Performing Shradham,every year to his ardent Devotee Sri Lakshmi Narayana Swami in Archamurthi. Emperuman has thereby ordained Suriyan,the Pithru Karagha to look at us from the Sky to ensure that Vaideegha Karmas are practiced in our Karma Bhumi under the Watchful eyes of his Sons – SHANI ruling over Karmas, YAMA ruling over Dharmas and MANU ruling over the Code of Conduct (Manu Smriti). Hence we Pray Suriyan as ‘Savitur’ giver of light and life in Gayatri Mantra propitiated and initiated first by Sage Vishwamitra.This Mantra through its 24 Akshrams is Closely connected to match 24,000 Slokas of Ramayana with each aksharam become the very first letter of every Corresponding 1000 verses of Ramayana and so on for all Slokas.
Suriyan is the only Visible form of God one can Worship,Perceive and Pray with Simple Namaskara.Similarly Suriyans Chariot ‘Ther’the most desired Erukkai (seat) of Emperuman is the only Vahana available to be drawn and taken in procession by People of all walks of life. Hence one should perform everyday Sandhya Vandana.Thereby reciting Gayatri Mantra,we could please Suriyan who would bestow us with Wisdom,Good Health,Will Power and brightness in face ect.Those Natives whose Horoscopes with Sun placed in adverse Sign and with ownership of malefic House must visit Thirukudanthai on Sundays and seek blessings of all the Emperumans of Three Koils here besides making a visit to Tirumala on RATHA SAPTHAMI day to worship Lord Srinivasar and have Darshan of Malayappaswami when lord is taken out on procession in Seven Vahanas on this same day.
jyotish-vaishnavam by A.GOPALASWAMY is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
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