Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha:
by Dasan Kudanthai Amudhan

Cosmic Ocean and Sanghu -The Universe consists of many billions of galaxies. Our earth, moon and entire Solar System consisting of all planets and billions of Stars including Sun are located in one of such galaxies known as”Milkyway” alias Cosmic ocean (sounds like Milky ocean-Thiruparkadal).There are many further billions of galaxies unknown to astronomers.Each such galaxy consists of billions of Stars like in milky way.The shape of our galaxy “milky way” is like a “Conch shell “exactly in similarity to its cyclical involutions of a conch shell at its center point while the outer portion appears like a flat“disc” (chakram).Hence this galaxy is also called as “Spiral galaxy”. Sun is the embodiment with Sudarshna Chakram which gives light of millions of Suns.Sanghu (conch) is denoted by Moon.Sanghu is most dearer to Sriman Narayana as it never gets separated from his hand and also it enjoys the privilege of touching the beautiful lips of lord any time he blows.Hence Sri andal gave importance to Sanghu by placing it in front before chakram in her Thiruppavai 14th pasuram as “சங்கொடு சக்கரமேந்தும் தடக்கையன்”.Sri Andal who gave importance to Chandran both in her 1st and 30th pasurams of ‘Thiruppavai” mentioned further as “திங்களுமாதித்தியனு எழுந்தாற் போல்” to show the importance accorded to Chandran. Sanghu gives sound for victorious sign and its vibration will remove our ignorance.Achariyar assumed the role of Sanghu to remove the darkness in our mind as he enlighten us in spiritual path. So the role of moon is important to take us to a good achariyar.
The Universe like a “golden egg” better known as “ prapanjam’’ consists of many billions of galaxies in which stars and planets are located.One such galaxy ‘milkyway” seen above is in the center of the universe encompassing within itself many billions of stars,Sun, moon, earth and planets ect. Rg veda 10-121-1 states before the creation, there existed a golden womb -Hiranya Garbha- paramathma was the only lord of everything born,holding the earth and heaven.Ancient vedic seers declared that entire universe is ‘Ananta koti Brahamand ‘ meaning the prapanjam is made up of billions of galaxies and heavenly bodies similar to the modern theory. Big Bang theory propose that Universe was compact,dense and hot many billions of years ago when some cosmic explosion occurred.Since then the universe has been expanding and cooling with galaxies moving away from each other.The universe shape is like a cosmic egg in golden yellow colour.The shape of the Universe in oval shaped egg was first brought in to the notice of astronomers very recently by the release of ever first image of entire universe by European space agency. The Space telescope Planck sent last year in to the sky returned with the images which were later assembled by ESA for unveiling this incredible image of universe. Sanghu and egg are under the karaghathvam of Chandran who signify the srivaishnavam.
“ ஊழிமுதல்வன் ஒருவனேயென்னும் ஒருவன் உலகெல்லாம்
ஊழிதோறும் தன்னுள்ளே படைத்துக் காத்துக் கெடுத்துழலும்
ஆழிவண்ணன் என்னம்மான் அந்தண் திருமாலிருஞ்சோலை !
நம்மாழ்வார் திருவாய்மொழி ( 10-7)
Namazhwar in his thiruvaimozhi (10-7) described that Lord azhagar is the one who created the universe ,protect and preserve it and destroy it finally.Similar to a Spider which spits from its mouth viscous liquid to create a web net around it and finally takes back in to its stomach,Lord Vishnu after pralayam swallow the entire universe and keep it in his stomach.Namazhwar thiruvaimozhi (10-7)on this as
“ திருமாலிருஞ்சோலை யானேயாகிச் செழுமுவுலகும் தன்
ஒருமா வயிற்றினுள்ளே வைத்து ஊழியூழிதலையளிக்கும்
திருமால் என்னையாளுமால்”
நம்மாழ்வார் திருவாய்மொழி (10-7)
Full Moon reaches fullness with 100% illumination on the night of Pournami instantly just for a moment when moon comes quite opposite to Sun.On the contrary moon disk might appear to be ‘full’ for 2/3 nights closest to the true full moon. This is due to the percentage of moons disk that appears illuminated,changes very slowly around the period of full moon ( also around the days of new moon).Hence on the night before and after the true full moon (100%) night, the moon disk size might vary between 97% -99% in illumination which most of the people would not notice the differences. Even after two days from true full moon, its disk will be 93-97% illuminated.Full moon appears much larger in size and brightness than normal full moon when it comes closer to horizon.Full moon appears in smaller size when it is over the sky (zenith).This view is due to the optical illusion.Blue Moon is the name given to the 2nd full moon that occurs in a same month.Two blue moons in a year occurs normally after a duration of a decade in a rare phenomenon.
Chandran and its nodes in other religions – Moon has greater influence than Sun since the ancient period of pagan faiths to Judaism and Islamic religions which follow only lunar calendar.The word ‘month’ is originally derived from “moonth” or a cycle of moon phase.Mayan culture,the oldest pagan faith in central/south America followed by native American Indians follow calendar known as “Mayan Calendar.This is divided in to 18 months in a year. Mystical no 18 is also found in Judaism.“Shabbat“candles are lit by jewish women on Fridays exactly 18 minutes before the Sunset to welcome Shabbat as per their rabinically mandated laws in Judaism.They believe by lighting at this time, it will bring peace,rest and harmony at home.Their worship places“Synagogues” have special caliberated clocks known as ‘Zmanim clock” to give exact timings for lighting. Similarly Islamic people strictly follow the beginning of month as per Lunar calendar particularly during“Ramadan”festival and ‘Eids’ by physically sighting the young New moon in crescent (Hilal) to begin their strict fasting.This festival falls during purattasi month.Their green flag itself has a Symbol of crescent moon with a Star.Chandran influence is also felt in their places of worship “dargah” with commonly found usages of “peacock feather bunches,jasmine flowers and Sandal wood paste (chandana koodu) in tombs. Becouse of chandrans influence, a bondage between Srivaishnavam and Islamic faith is seen in temples like Srirangam, Srimushnam and few other Vishnu temples. “Thulukkachi Nachiyar”,an Islamic princess Sannidhi just behind Sri Ranganathar garbhagraham is the testimony to this.Besides this, Sri Namperumal is adorned with Lunghi on a day during margazhi Utsavams when he is taken out on procession.Lord also partake bread on this day to give acceptance of her devotion.Similarly Srimushnam koil utsavar receive honours in front of a Dargah where he Stops during his procession in masi festival period.There are few other Vaishnava koils to quote on this subject.Chandran influence is also seen in Lord Krishnas janmabhumi mandir complex where one can see the fluttering Islamic flag with crescent moon from its mosque partitioned inside this complex.Many Islamic scholars in north rendered kirtanas on Lord Krishna.Thus Chandran influence is thus seen to have been spread in all faiths due to its intersecting nodes ‘Rahu’and‘Ketu”which afflicted moon and caused the creation of above religions/ faiths with conflicting interest to chandran permanently as these nodes of shadows move in reverse (anti-clockwise) to chandrans direct transit in its path.
Chandran is the core nucleus of Srivaishnavam, representing Sri Krishna avatar.It is believed that moon nodes ‘Rahu’ represent western religions and ‘ketu’ represent eastern religions.Both also denotes other faiths in Hinduism.Symbolically Rahu (black colour) signifying western religions like Islam has influence with their women wearing black burqas, while Ketu ( red ) is identified with eastern religions like Buddhism in which their monks wear red colour garments.Religion like islam is more aggressive due to Rahu while eastern religions like buddhism are more on spiritual side due to Ketu.The two nodes of Moon only caused the creation of other religions/faiths as intersecting points in the mindset of srivaishnavam,the nodal point of moon. In Hinduism, faiths like worship of amman/gouri, kali, durga, Iyappan and hard vows like walking in the fire ect are due to the influence of rahu including that of crude rituals connected with villages deities like Karrupanaswami and other kaval devadhis. Similarly worship of Ganesa, Siva, Biravar, chandikesar, Skandan (subramani) , and snakes besides some hard vows like piercing with spears,needles in the body are coming under the purview of ketu. Mostly those worships are done on full moon and new moon days.These are the two days when both Sun and moon are prone to be eclipsed by its intersecting shadow nodes ‘rahu’and ‘ketu’. Black magic and other sacrifices are done on full or new moon due to the influence of both nodes.Bathing in the sea or sacred rivers on new moon days is due to the influence of Moon as he denotes water.Hence our ancestors attributed new moon for ‘pitrus’ as moon and sun are in conjunction on this day.Full moon is meant for‘other living beings’as moon is far away from Sun.Full moon festivals are observed in many countries from asia to Europe. Similarly ‘’chitra pournami’ day coincide with the ‘’Water festivals’ celebrated in many countries. Since Sun and moon are eclipsed by both nodes ‘Rahu”and “Ketu”,both Ramas and Krishnas avatar birth places at Ayodiya and Madura respectively are intersected by other religious worship tomb (mosque) with prolonged conflicting interest to Chandran,the symbolic of Srivaishnavam.Mughal invaders looted Somanath moon temple only on their 18th attempt when they succeeded finally.It is seen normally that followers of other faiths of hinduism wear either red or black robes for the rituals due to the influence of ‘rahu’ or ‘ketu”, the conflicting aspects of mind and faith.It is found that “rahu’ has influence with sanyasis to make them follow strictly their religious practices. Since both nodes as shadows move in anti-clockwise path to the Moon which transit on direct path in clockwise, it tends to reverse symbolically the mind, faith and belief created by moon.Many foreigners who were born by birth in other religions and faith accept Srivaishnavam by joining in ISKCON,the world movement of Sri Krishna bhakti.
True essence of Srivaishnavam- Srivaishnavam stands on the unique concept of ATHMA (soul), KARMA( good or bad deeds), JANMA (rebirths) AND MOKSHAM (final salvation to join with parmathma). While other faiths in Hinduism also advocates almost identical principle with little differences, but only Srivaishnavam alone shows the path of final salvation to all beings becouse, Lord Narayana only can give moksha praptti to all. Most of the other major religions do not believe in Karmas (deeds) and janmas (rebirths). Hence without above concept, they failed miserably to explain the reasons for inequality, inequity,variations and disparities among all beings in the world for which they portray some evil force as the main culprit for this cause and project it as “satan“ to be conquered and destroyed by their god finally after his resurrection before sending only the humanbeings to heaven or hell depending upon their services to his kingdom. In this theory these religions consider every humanbeing is born as ‘Sinner”.So they thereby narrowed the above unexplainable concept only to the humanbeings and ignored totally about the salvation to other livingbeings like animals, birds, plants and vegetations ect since these are considered by other religions as if they are created for the pleasure of human beings. But Srivaishnavam proposes moksha to all. Paramathma created devas, asuras and other livingbeings as per their past Karmas.The final salvation(moksham) is given by pramathma to all from human beings to asuras,animals,birds,plants and to the trees ect as mentioned in our scriptures.Lord Krishna gave moksha not only to Kamsa,demon putana and many asuras but also to a clay pot, naga,raksha and trees ect.Lord rama gave moksha to asuras, monkeys, a bird and to a stone also.Chandran serve everyone from humanbeings to birds, animals, trees, plants, earth ect in the universe without any discrimination,the main concept of Srivaishnavam which consider that Paramathma as lord Vishnu is Omnipresent and omnipotent living in the heart of all jeevathmas as “antharyami” while other religions portray god is a separate entity placed far away from the sight and reach of souls.Chandan is the karaghan for mind and hence also on faith.Saivites believe their lord Shiva adorn chandran permanently in his thirumudi, while Islamic people claim moon is the symbol of their religion.Yet chandran accept everyone and everything to show the true essence of Srivaishnavam propounded by Sri ramanujar by serving all as per the desire of paramathma Sri Krishna.
Presence of Demi-gods in this Kshetram.Many devas and devadhais have taken shelter here to serve the lord.They were struck with the beauty of Lord azhagar and Stayed here to worship him.Bairavar,an amsam of Shiva stayed inside the koil as ‘kshetra balahar” adorned with thiruman kappu and gets his daily pujas as per vaishnava rituals.Similarly valamburi Vinayaka is adorned with thiruman kappu as ‘thumbikai azhwar”for whom pujas are conducted as per the Vaishnava rituals.Hence only chandan (sandalpaste) is distributed in both Sannidhis.In the outside “Pathinettam padi” normal rituals are done as per the traditional practices. Skanda ,the demi-god as commander-in- chief of army of devas came here to protect them from asuras when thiruparkadal were churned.He Stayed here on top of the hill to worship Lord azhagar, admired with his beauty and to protect the sanctity of this holy hill.
Chandran shines over “soma Chanda vimanam”every night in this koil to worship lord Azahagar.So moons shadow image of two nodes ‘Rahu’ and ‘Ketu’ also made their presence felt here in the form of their adi-devathas. Bairavar,skanda ,Vinayakar and nagas are represented by ‘ketu” while “Rahu represent‘Karuppana swamy’and rakkayee amman on top of the hills. Lord azhagar has ensured that these two shadows of celestial bodies do not afflict the moon and our mind by having closed its symbolic 18 steps between front and back doors with walls on both sides at the entrance.
This is the only Kshetram where asuras and devas joined to churn for amrut, nagas and manduka (frog) are together,chandran and its adverse intersecting nodes Rahu and ketu meet at the 18th step.Lord Krishna who knew the importance of this deciding mystical number,anticipating the possible 18th attack of jarasandan on Madura,immediately shifted all yadhavas to dwaraka for avoiding the eventual death to Jarasandan in that war as he was destined to die only at the hands of bhima in the later days.Mind is pure white at the time of birth but when it is afflicted by durgunas due to karmic cycle, it will become dark.Similarly afflicted mind will reflect our karmic cycles in the present and past janmas by way of ‘Rahu ‘and “ketu’, the two ends of accelating mind in the form of celestial bodies.
One has to climb 18 steps to reach the ultimate goal of spiritual life which we see in some temples also.But in the case of azhagarkoil, there is no need to climb 18 steps at the entrance but can reach Lord azhagar directly through a side gate.Lord Krishna in his bhagawat gita advocated for karma/bhakthi yogas as an easy way to reach the godhood rather than Ghana yoga. Hence those who surrender only to lord Krishna will be free from the worries of karmic cycles and problems in the present janma.Those vaishnavites worshipping demi-gods must remember the 18th pronouncement of Nambudavan to Brahmarakshan as narrated in Kaisika purana which melted his mind to allow nambudavan proceed towards thirukuragkudi nambi koil.The essence of this 18th promise made by nambudavan is those who equivate the lower status of demi-gods with supreme Paramathma Lord Vishnu will get their unrepentable Sin.
“நேசமிலாதவர்க்கும் நினையாதவர்க்கும் அரியான்
வாசமலர்ப்பொழில்சூழ் வடமாமதுரைப்பிறந்தான்
தேசமெல்லாம் வணாங்கும் திருமாலிருஞ்சோலையே நின்ற
கேசவநம்பி தன்னைக் கெண்டை யொண்கண்ணி !
திருமங்கையாழ்வார் பெரிய மொழி ( 9-9)
Some people mislead the true bhagvathas by giving importance to the demi gods present in this hill who virtually serve Lord azhagar to seek his mercy.This results in some confused Srivaishnavas even skip the holy baths in the holiest theertham of ‘noopura ganga”on top of this hill. Those misleaders will be sent to naraka as per the
Pasuram of periazhwar.
“தக்கார்மிக்கார்களைச் சஞ்சலம்செய்யும் சலவரைத்
தெக்கா நெறியே போக்குவிக்கும் செல்வன் பொன்மலை
எக்காலமும்சென்று சேவித்திருக்கும் அடியரை
அககானெறியைமாற்றும் தண்மாலிருஞ்சோலையே ! (4-2)
பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி ( 4-2 )
Periazhwar who rendered pasurams only on Lord Krishna connected Sri Krishna avatar lilas With this Kshetram and composed more pasurams on azhagarkoil from where he went to paramapatham after spending his last days in this hills.
“ உருப்பிணி நங்கைதன்னை மீட்பான் தொடர்ந்தோடிச் சென்ற
உருப்பனையோட்டிக் கொண்டிட்டு உறைத்திட்ட உறைப்பன்மலை !
“ மாவலி தன்னுடைய மகன்வாணன் மகளிருந்த
காவலைக்கட்டழித்த தனிக்காளை கருதும்மலை !
“குறுகாத மன்னரைக் கூடுகலக்கி வெங்கானிடைச்
சிறுகால் நெறியே போக்குவிக்கும் செல்வன் பொன்மலை !
பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி ( 4- 3 )
Mind and Karmas- Mind is attached to the body,while athma is bonded with Prana (life force). Athma karaghan Sun gives us the cycle of life as per our past karmas of previous births.However Mind makes an impact on our present karmic cycle of life to some extend.Moon can possibily change the direction of our present karmas to little extend since mind function as per the placement of Moon in our natal horoscope.Mind is encompassed with 14 senses controlling five Gyanaedriyas, five karmendriyas besides manas,chitta,ahamkara and buddhi which are like four spokes in a wheel of mind. Hence even if lagna lord is weak, moon position will be taken in to account for predictions.Therefore good placement of Moon in a horoscope is very essential for a native to lead happy and longer life with healthy mind. Mind is the creative source for ‘ahamkara and mamakara’ the two durgunas which if afflict our thoughts will make parmathma present in our athma as “antharyami “living in our heart leave our karmas to take place in the direction as per our destiny instead of normally guiding the pious athmas surrendered to him.Moon thus places major role in changing the present karmas.Hence moon has to be in a good position along with Jupiter in our horoscope without conjunction or aspect of malefic grahas.Athmakarakan Sun position is also important as he only gives light and life to moon. Mind start waxing since childhood and reaches its full form at peak by middle age and start waning till the end of life in phases of duration based on the longevity of a native decided by other factors in the horoscope.Similarly water retention power in the body changes from young age to old age when the body will have Poor retention of water during the old age due to the symbolic waning of moon/ mind power to make the body lose its beauty during old age.our body consisting of 65% of water undergoes changes due to moons influence.Moons node in north”Rahu” indicates our future karmas and south node “Ketu”denotes past karmas and past life.
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